

12 Apr 2011

More From Primrose Bakery

I may have to have a go at these x

Multi Colour Cake

Here's a nice cake I saw, a multi-layered, multi-coloured cake.
Looks very tasty.

11 Apr 2011

SugarCraft by Maria

Here's one I was asked to make.

Happy Birthday Cake

Here's one I made :)

Primrose Bakery

How gorgeous are these???

Why I Bake?

Just thought I'd add a few words today, in particular, why I bake?
Quite simply, I love baking, I love seeing people eat the results of my baking and the disbelief that I have made them.
There are so many beautiful thing around that inspire designs and your ideas are the only limitations on your designs.
I suppose I was quite late at discovering how much I enjoy baking, I was in my late thirties.... maybe this is the time when you discover you have the patience for such intrecate work.
This blog is dedicated to teatime treats, some are my own work, some is the work that inspires me.
Enjoy x


I thought you might like to have a look at one of the sites that has a nice selection of recipes.